I wanted to buy 'em on red but they were already sold out.. so I got 'em on navy :)
Also today was a magnific thrift shopping day (AGAIN!!) because I have found a real fur jacket.. (I don't agree with killing animals and to wear "them" on you.. but with vintage ones I'm okay..) and guess what I found???? a pair of PRADA camel skinny trousers!! They are magnific!!!! I'm so happy today ! I think I'll wear them next days with my new red flats.. also I'll try to post a new outfit but unfortunatelly my camera isn't home..
Have a wonderful day!
Ohyea.. the pretty pumps :X.
RăspundețiȘtergereDadadad, si eu caut o haina de blana (mi-a ramas gandul la una gri dintr-un thrift store) si sunt de acord cu tine, it's much better to buy vintage :D. And, Pradaaa, you're so lucky, can't wait to see the outfit.
I must go thrift shopping! Must Must Must!
:D pai check out some thrift stores. mie mi-a luat ceva sa gasesc o haina de blana marimea mea.. azi chiar am avut noroc avand in vedere ca am dat 40 de lei pe ea?!?! WTF?! :))) si pantalonii sunt absolut geniali... vin ffff skinny si arata ataaaat de bine!! o sa incerc sa fac maine niste poze, daca nu..o sa fac abia sambata! :)
RăspundețiȘtergereMersi mult :) Iti dau si eu follow + te pun la blogroll :*
RăspundețiȘtergereSpor in continuare !
omg, Prada!
RăspundețiȘtergereAu cumva logo-ul rosu undeva jos pe piciorul stang?
Can't wait for the outfit post :D
I'm not into fur, sometimes I get some odd need to wear it and I resort to thrifted stuff, never new.
da, au logoul rosu jos, pe picior! :D
RăspundețiȘtergereo sa postez azi un outfit, ca tot am o camera noua.. cel putin incerc daca imi da tata camera :))))))))
so chic. Love them.xx
Wow, your buys sound so delicious! Hurry and show them all to us :)