luni, 25 februarie 2013

new hobby

Hi there! I am back on track. As you have noticed, there are a few changes on the blog. Due to my school exam at Photoshop, I discovered a new hobby - editing pictures! Here is my exam - all I had to do was to edit the dress in PS and make it look different. I really love the effects! 
After the exam, I looked on the internet for tutorials & co. and I added what I have learned on the blog - I've changed the banner and the right column. I'm still working on it, and hopefully, I'll show you the final result later this week. 

Here is my homework for PS during the semester, I really enjoyed the time making the collages.

And here it is what I did yesterday during my trip back home. Do you enjoy playing with pictures?


4 comentarii:

  1. Ah, ce fain ti-au iesit! <3 Si eu am curs de Photoshop si e printre preferatele mele - e mult mai fain cand poti intreba pe cineva cand te incurci decat sa tot cauti tutoriale :D Spor la lucru :*


Thank you for your comments! You make my day better :) lots of love!