Heels for the second day of being 20 years old. I started the day with a nice feet pain after my birthday and I said, what the hell, I should wear heels today to make the pain go away. Just like hangovers, drink again the next day so the headache will go away.
pics Diana Dima xx
Foarte misto tinuta! Imi place tare mult camasa! :)
RăspundețiȘtergeredanke, Simona :* e tare draguta, are un imprimeu foarte misto pe maneci :) pups
ȘtergerePantalonii + sandalele = match made in heaven. Arata genial!
merci muult!! daa, indata ce am luat pantalonii, la asta m-am gandit. pupii
ȘtergereThe heels are stunning but did that strategy work I would love to know haha :)
RăspundețiȘtergereI invite you to have a look at a new section on my blog: Shop My Closet
Cute heels! I love the height and the shape! They go well with the pants
Si eu sunt la fel cu tocurile, desi spun ca nu o sa le port pentru ca imi ucid picioarele just like an addict I keep going back to them. Imi place mult outfit-ul tau, vreau si eu o camasa ca a ta!
ȘtergerePop Culture&Fashion Magic