miercuri, 6 iunie 2012


H&M shirt, flats, sunnies, H&M trend pants, borrowed Mango purse

Unfortunately I have lost the pictures from the fair somewhere in my pc. As soon as I find them I will update the post. This is what I wore there, something comfy for shopping, I was in a biiig search for prom shoes.. so this is a laate outfit post.. from about a month ago :D

Have a nice day!

PS: for those who love body jewelry check out Fresh Trends ! It's an online body jewelry retailer based in the U.S. where you can find quality jewels. I can declare myself in love with some jewels I have found over there so take a look on it ;)!

16 comentarii:

  1. Very cute! You know I love those pants!

    P.S: Poti sa participi la concursul de pe blogul meu pentru a castiga o pereche similara cu a ta. :)

    1. mercic, mercic.. abia ce mi-am mai luat o pereche de pantaloni inflorati de la Zara.. si am standerul plin ochi de haine inflorate :)) thanks anyway!! :*

  2. Foarte misto pantalonii. Ador pantalonii cu print sau stil pijama. Cine ar fi crezut acum 3 ani de ex. ca vom ajunge sa purtam si asa ceva? :))

    1. mda :D indeed.. dar hai maai ca nu sunt chiar asa pijama :)))

  3. Ai tai nu, intradevar. Dar am eu unii de la H&M de care tot zice mama ca sunt de pijama :))

  4. Love it!
    The pants are gorgeous, but you already know it!

  5. J'aime beaucoup ton pantalon!!! C'est super!!!

    Angela Donava

  6. Beautiful outfit, congratulations ..
    I'll wait on my blog, I'd love to have you among my followers, I just added Google Friend Connect on my blog ..

    I follow with Bloglovin ..
    Kisses <3
    Oana :)



Thank you for your comments! You make my day better :) lots of love!