marți, 22 martie 2011


De cand vechea mea pereche de pantofi oxford s-a cam rupt, am decis sa imi iau o pereche noua :D doar ca a aparut o mica dilema: Ce culoare sa aleg? mhmmm

Since my last pair of oxford shoes died, I have decided to buy anoter pair. But there's a problem.. which color to choose? mhmmm price: £35.00

eu as opta pentru cei mov, sau verzi.. sau pentru cei albastrii :D Ce pereche sa aleg?
I would prefer the purple pair or the green pair... or the blue pair. Which one to choose?

Ah da, ma gandeam ca ar fi o idee buna sa scriu si in romana pe blog :). Ce crezi?

PS: new outfit post soon!


joi, 17 martie 2011







wearing: H&M jacket & shoes; F&F tank top; Zara trousers & belt

The outfit is from the last weekend. Because it was soooo warm I took my fav wedges outside! :D hihi. I'm still searching for the perfect background.. but it is a lil bit hard to me to find it in my "beautiful" city :)).
I'm still sick and my neck is hurting :(.. at least my bf is home and I'll enjoy spending time with him eating macarons.

I have 2 more outfits to show you! One including my gorgeous Lanvin x H&M dress. :D

C'ya soon!

miercuri, 16 martie 2011

3 years of love!

Happy anniversary sweetheart. I love you with all my heart!

I caught a flu and I'm staying home for a couple of days. I hope that tomorow I'll manage to post the pics from last Sunday. Today I'm kinda busy, I'm trying to make something sweet for my boyfriend :)

I love you

duminică, 13 martie 2011

it's spring!

Now guess who's back?! Stiu ca am lipsit ceva timp.. dar am revenit odata cu primavara ^.^ !!! Maine promit un outfit post :D pt ca azi a fost o zi foarte calduroasa si am reusit sa fac cateva poze! hihiii

* a cute song which I simply adore! I'm playing it over and over again
